See how donations can help
Every donation we receive goes towards helping over 360 patients who use our services when admitted to our Centre, or alternatively treating patients at home.
Situated within Ward 26 at Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, we look after patients throughout the West Midlands area. Sadly in the later stages of life when infections become more frequent, the Centre can often become a second home to some of our patients, we therefore aim to try and provide a range of patient facilities that are not funded by the NHS.
These facilities often provide comfort, an escape from the hospital environment, the means to carry on with educational studies, social contact, and work related activities.

Donations have helped us to provide facilities such as:
- Free Wifi.
- Laptops. To help patients continue with their studies whilst in hospital.

- Out of hours meals & snacks. Our patients need to be encouraged to take on an extra calories each day to help maintain good nutrition and often they may need to eat in between meals or in the evening. Donations have funded a housekeeper to prepare and serve hot snacks to patients at weekends and in the evenings outside of the usual hospital meal times
- Gym equipment. Most of the equipment in our gym has been funded by donations, along with a wi fit interactive system. Donations have also been used to purchase more expensive physiotherapy items such as VEST devices. (High Frequency Vest Oscillation)