Our Trustees - West Midlands Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre

The West Midlands Cystic Fibrosis Centre was opened in 2002.This was made possible by the huge efforts of many patients, relatives, friends and professional colleagues. Your kind donations continue to support our Centre, and all monies raised and then spent, are managed and overseen by our Trustees.

Our charitable trust, Heartlands Cystic Fibrosis Centre  is registered with the Charity Commissioners. Charity number: 1074745.

The Charitable Commissioners wish us to use the funds for the benefit of our patients and professionals, prudently and transparently, according to our constitution.  They require the Trustees of the fund to oversee, manage and use these monies.  We submit an annual report with audited accounts at the end of each financial year and these are available, on application in writing to the treasurer.

The Trustees are  individuals who freely and willingly give their time and commitment, meet regularly to discuss applications for help, manage our commitments and consider how best to use  funds for the benefit of the centre.

Our Trustees

Dr Joanna Whitehouse - Chair of Trustees 
Dr Neil Patel - Deputy Chair of Trustees
Mr David Sellers - Charity Treasurer
Ms Louise Bandy - Trustee
Mrs Jane Bull - Trustee
Mrs Joanne Barrett - Trustee
Dr David Stableforth - Trustee
Mrs Jacqui Wainwright - Trustee
Mrs Nicky Gilday - Trustee

You can contact our trustees by email : heartlandscfcentre.nhs@gmail.com

Want to make a difference to people living with Cystic Fibrosis in the West Midlands? Become a Heartlands Cystic Fibrosis Centre Charity Trustee! find out more here