Heartlands Cystic Fibrosis Centre Charity is dedicated to supporting our patients and their families. Donations help our patients in their battle with Cystic Fibrosis live independent lives, and make their frequent admissions into hospital more comfortable by funding facilities in hospital that the NHS is unable to provide. Additionally, we also support patients to care for themselves at home.
Planning a fundraising event ?
The simplest way that you can help is by making a donation:
One-off donations can be made by simply clicking on the Make a donation button opposite. You can donate any amount of your choice.
Regular donations:
If you would like to make a regular monthly donation you can do so via Just Giving.
Donations made by cheque should be made payable to Heartlands Cystic Fibrosis Centre
(Registered Charity Number 1074745)
If you would like to help the Heartlands Cystic Fibrosis Centre there are a variety of ways you could help.
Make a donation
Please click here to go directly to our Just Giving page and follow the instructions on how to donate.
On our Just Giving page you will see examples of people who have also donated to the CF Centre, or who are currently fundraising for the centre. You can sponsor any of these fundraising activities and be sure that any donation you make will go directly towards helping the Centre and our patients.
You can make a difference by leaving a Gift in your will for the West Midlands Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre. Legacies left to charities in Wills are always greatly appreciated. However it is always advisable to speak to a solicitor when deciding to do this.
Please contact Mr David Sellers, Charity Trustee and Treasurer to find out how legacies can help our patients and the CF Centre. David can be contacted by email on david.sellers1@googlemail.com.
Charitable Trusts
Charitable trusts and charitable organizations have often been very supportive to our Centre and provided a lot of support for the construction of our Centre back in 2002.
Grants from trusts enable us to purchase expensive additional equipment for our patients that the NHS cannot provide.
This kind of support also enables us to take on new projects within the centre, and provide us with the funds to ensure the continuation of our patient services.
We are currently looking for funding through charitable trusts for the following projects:
- Refurbishment of our inpatient rooms. Cost £20,000 per room.
Thank you for your support.